Tuesday, August 28, 2007

What do I know about you?

If we shut ourselves up in a bubble, do not speak another language, do not strive to travel, to talk to people from other cultures, learn even the most basic word in a new language, try new food, and most importantly, KNOW that there are differences between culture and religion that will never be bridged no matter how much we try, how can we deal in a world today that has so many inter-cultural issues? Most problems in the world today form from miscommunication, specifically language, religious, and cultural issues. At a meeting where the king of Saudi Arabia and the Chancellor of Germany were to debate some issues, there are unspoken differences that are not even part of conscious thought in each individual's mind. For example, traditional dress, food, customary religious observances, and the physical nature of the two countries (ex. in one, you might see soldiers walking through the street, the army is corrupt, and many people are arrested). These attributes are subconsciously part of each mind, and add to each thought and spoken word. Another popular example is present-day Iraq. We went to Iraq without the smallest idea of how society there works and as a result of that, (not understanding that we, Americans, cannot take down a dictator and expect that rival Islamic groups as well as many other factions will be able to live together peacefully and with democracy) we are now in something that could have been planned and dealt with in a much better way. It is impossible for us to understand in a country where all religions are 'tolerated,' that two groups will fight to kill each other over land, a seemingly small religious difference, or just because of history.

Another example that everyone can relate to: if you have ever traveled to another country and talked to the native people there, generally the idea of 'the American' is not a good one. This is something that can be completely true, partially true, or not at all, of course depending on the person. Not all Americans are overweight, love pop culture, eat McDonalds, only speak English, and are extremely wealthy... but do we like to be represented this way and if not, don't we need to get out and explain ourselves, try to see and understandn something other than the United States?? We are a major power in the world and have the resources, therefore, I believe that this applies very strongly to us.

My basic point is that, yes, for much of history, things have been the same in terms of communication on a world-wide scale, but with new technology, new wars, and new risks, I believe that this issue has become more prevolent. Now we do not need to fly to North Korea to see Kim Jong-Il, rather we can see him all over the news, through internet and cameras, and this creates a much more explosive environment. The United States leads the world in many issues and the politics of the U.S. affect almost every other country, as, vice-versa, the politics of other countries affect the U.S.It is important that people all around the world watch the news and understand what is happening in other countries in order to have a basis of knowledge and most importantly, to be EDUCATED!

1 comment:

MeaghenneRamsey said...

Preach it sister. While I don't agree with every single one of your examples (it is very rare for two people to hold the exact same opinion on any given topic), I do absolutely agree with your message. I am endlessly irked by the ignorance of our generation, but I am more irked by how we revel in our own stupidity. we hone our skills in terrible grammar, geographical retardation and cultural disuse. Why is it considered a waste of time to improve ourselves and our surroundings?

In my blog, I applied the idea of cultural ignorance to the rising accetpance of ignorant consumption.
(www.LOLiticsTML.blogspot.com) Yes, I am pimping my blog out to you.