Sunday, September 23, 2007

power, wealth, and right v. wrong

This week in class we discussed many things. One of the topics was wealth and power. It had to deal with states and their desire to gain wealth and security. Wealth does not always mean security and security does not always mean good things. With wealth comes corruption and internal strife. Security has the desire for more, which leads to war to try and get more wealth to make a country stronger. In todays world, the most powerful economic entities are not necessarily countries. Out of the top 100 most wealthy economic entities 51 out of 49 are companies such as Exxon mobile, General Motors, and Wal-mart.
Wealth does not always mean a country has that wealth and power and so the need for security will change to meet the need of the entity. However, in these cases corruption is more likely to appear and so therefore more attention must be paid to these entities.

Lastly, in class we talked about genocide. More specifically, it was as time changes so does cultural rights and wrongs. Where once one thing was thought wrong it is now thought to be right. For example, many of Galileo's theories were thought to be wrong but in the modern age they have been proven right. Yes, this is an example of how science changes over time but cultural ideals of right and wrong change in the same manner.

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