Friday, October 12, 2007


In World Politics, this week has proved very helpful for me. The topics that we have discussed became much clearer because of the essay, which forced me to re-listen to the podcasts and look up some information on my own in order to truly understand what I was writing about. I feel that I now have a good understanding of the IR theories that we have discussed along with how to apply them.

I have already written in a comment about the aim chat which was the part of class that I was not satisfied with, and I believe that I made it clear why in the comment. I really enjoy class when everyone is participating with the whole class and not with a small group. I'm sure that everyone would like to hear your opinions in class, not just posted through a chat on a blog later.

This week's trip to the European Union was interesting for me because I did not know what exactly the purpose of the EU was. Something that I found most interesting that the speaker pointed out was the law that products tested on animals cannot be imported into countries in the European Union. The write-up in the booklet also is interesting, that an organization working at a level like the EU is considering, at least in words, the rights of animals. It mentions the ethical and environmental ideas behind animal torture and the unnecessary use of animals. I found this especially interesting as someone who is strongly against animal testing and the meat industry.

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